Feed the Positive

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I’m big on little things.  Very big on little things.  Both at home and in the workplace.

We all crave positive reinforcement. In fact, we thrive on it, in all areas of our lives. A simple “thank you” or “you did a great job on…” goes a long way.  And it’s free! Thanks for getting that info to me so quickly.  You dealt with that customer very well.  Dinner was delicious – thanks.  Thanks for taking me to my friend’s house. That acknowledgement from someone else makes us feel good and makes us feel valued; the appreciation makes us feel that we are not taken for granted. There is science behind the notion that recognition and positive reinforcement makes us feel happy and better about ourselves.

A quick personal story.  It was the winter of 2006. I don’t remember the exact date, but I remember these 2 events like they happened yesterday. I was living in Chicago at the time, and I hopped in a taxi to head home after work one evening. As I climbed into the taxi, I noticed a lanyard with ID/key card attached on the seat. The ID had the company’s logo and employee’s name. When I arrived at home, I looked up the location of the company (it was 7 blocks away from the one I worked in). On my way into work the next morning, I stopped at that building and dropped off an envelope for that person. In it was the ID and my business card with a note on the back that said something like “Found in a taxi. Thought you may need it 😊”.  Feeling pleased with myself, I continued on to work.  

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Later that afternoon a beautiful little arrangement of flowers arrived at my desk. The handwritten note read “We spend far too much time feeding the negative vs. the positive. Just wanted to give your positive a little snack for the week.” Those words were so profound to me. So much so that I taped the note to a wall in my workspace.  Since that day I have changed offices, buildings, jobs, cities and even countries. The black ink now looks brownish-green. Each time, as I set up my new workspace, I tape the note up somewhere I can see it. That note lifts me up when I need it and serves as a reminder that little things have big impacts.

We are living in unprecedented times. We all need to feed our own positives, and those of others. I invite you to give someone else’s positive a snack this week. Give a colleague words of encouragement.  Leave a thank you note for your mail carrier. Offer to run an errand for a neighbour who may need help.

Do little things. Feed the positive. 


 Feed the Positive is the first of a 4 blog series on working and leading in a “Covid-Normal” environment.  Stay tuned for thoughts on Virtual Networking, Job Hunting (during a pandemic) and Engaging a Remote Workforce.