Networking in 2021

Networking in 2021

It’s no secret—2020 was an exceptionally difficult year on so many levels.  Professionally, living in various forms of lockdown and social distancing doesn’t lend itself to maintaining our networks, let alone expanding them. We spent so many years creating and nurturing professional relationships, and in 2020 we had to push the pause button. Now that we’re well into 2021, here are some ways to revive our networks.

Seek out and attend online events
Its as simple as googling “online networking events [your city].”   Virtual networking has become a thing in 2021 and I don’t believe it will fade away too quickly.  The awkwardness of wondering if someone is looking to expand their network or if they will help you expand yours is greatly reduced.  All attendees have the same goal: expand their network.  Looking to network in hurry?  Check out speed networking.  Seriously.  Be prepared and bring your A game because it is fast paced!

Look into professional associations 
Do you have a professional designation or belong to a professional association?  Some are offering online networking opportunities.  The nice thing about these events is everyone has a common ground, making initiating conversation a little more comfortable. Seek input. Offer your perspective. Make connections.

Old school still works...with a twist 
Go ahead and reach out to people you already know to schedule a “virtual coffee.”  At the time of writing, Zoom offers free accounts that allows 2 people to connect at no cost. Why not take advantage?   Covid is a great reason to reach out to former colleagues and classmates to check in on them and re-establish those relationships.

“Covid-Normal” is our new normal.  If you are keenly interested in rebooting your network, set a goal for yourself.  Perhaps it is two virtual coffees a month. Don’t be shy! After you attend an online networking event, connect with other attendees on LinkedIn. Introduce yourself and suggest a phone call or video meeting to get acquainted. Reach out to former colleagues and classmates. During this unique time, many of us would welcome a virtual connection with someone. Hint: virtual backgrounds are a great way to hide a mess behind you, and they can be great conversation starters!

I’d love to hear what you are doing to build or maintain your network in 2021.  


Networking in 2021 is the second of a 4-blog series on working and leading in a “Covid-Normal” environment.  Stay tuned for thoughts on Job Hunting (during a pandemic) and Engaging a Remote Workforce.  Click to read the first blog in the series Feed the Positive.